A customised guarantee solution for those working in the temporary work sector.
A financial guarantee covering a legal requirement towards temporary workers in accordance with article L.1251-50 of French Employment Law.
A guarantee solution which provides you with:
. cover for salaries and related costs for a period of 5 years
. cover for compensation related to work contracts
. cover for compulsory contributions to social security, pension schemes and provident funds for a period of 3 years
An offer supporting the smooth and sustainable development of your business.
Higher guarantee limits in line with your needs.
Why choose Globalia Conseil?
Specialists in Temporary Work Guarantees
Established partnerships with leading French and international financial institutions
Comprehensive support in setting up a guarantee solution adapted to your company’s needs
Integration of your sector-specific needs
A dedicated team of specialists and European legal experts in guarantees
Simple and swift procedure for ensuring that you are in compliance with the regulations
Free no-obligation quote for reviewing your project upon request